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Is next week now confirmed ?

14 ответов

8 просмотров

if you mean for migration, it is not announced yet. you can get more info regarding migration in next AMA that will start in a few mins: https://twitter.com/ecomi_/status/1483578024310501377

Jan 27 for the migration? yes

Not officially announced

Chase AmaZix
Not officially announced

Not yet. But Rhys confirmed it in discord.

V-A Автор вопроса
This proves admin have no ideal what a shame

We usually wait for an official statement from the team before we share information.

This proves admin have no ideal what a shame

It was confirmed about 5 minutes ago, that post was about 10 minutes ago. What's there for him to be ashamed about?😁

This proves admin have no ideal what a shame

You’re a jerk in person or only behind a keyboard.

V-A Автор вопроса
Spoooder ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jan 27 for the migration? yes

Look who said it even before the ama . Just keep quiet admin the team is more informed . Just sleep please

Last warning

V-A Автор вопроса
Essa AmaZix
Last warning

If the Truth hurts you that bad you can kick me out .

If the Truth hurts you that bad you can kick me o...

What are you 10 or is that your IQ? Just sell your omi and never come back. Delete your VEVE app no one will miss you. Cobraaaaaaa!!!

Look who said it even before the ama . Just keep q...

but you just said "This proves admin have no ideal what a shame" a few minutes before

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