209 похожих чатов

Why don't you do anything? Where are the announcements,

the positive news? The situation is even worse now than in summer

5 ответов

7 просмотров

Hey! If you don't want to miss any news, join our announcements channel The team has been working and Origin Story will be launched publicly this quarter Stay tuned https://t.me/OriginProtocolAnnouncements

Did you see btc tumbling too?

Михаил-Карпов Автор вопроса
Did you see btc tumbling too?

Ogn fell 4 times from 11 November, and bitcoin did not even 2

That’s how alts/shitcoins do. They can make you rich and poor faster

Михаил-Карпов Автор вопроса
That’s how alts/shitcoins do. They can make you ri...

That's just the growth period is 2-3 months, and the fall is 4 years

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