5555 days a good choice or should I accumulate more and stake?
5555 is the highest apy so it makes sense theoretically except, can you really wait that long?
What is a staking ladder? Sorry if it's a dumb question
Bro you're about to get a lot of private messages saying they're with tech support and want to help. Don't respond to them because they're scammers
It means you have stakes that end at different times so you always have some liquid hex at all times
Staking for 5, 6, 7 etc, spacing it out over smaller stakes. However your bigger pays better bonus will be smaller
Matrix SP (0) has increased reputation of Nico nico 40% APY HEXICAN FOR LIFE (DON'T TRUST ANYONE) (136)
Matrix SP (0) has increased reputation of Ace (No financial advice) (348)
It's a strategy for timing the amount of hex staked in and out
Way to help out
Thanks, it's always best to get ahead of the scammers.
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