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Has anyone seen an error with Metamask, Oops! Something went

wrong, try again? This occurs when trying to switch MM wallet from eth network to Moonriver

5 ответов

16 просмотров

Switch off different wallets on your browser

Chris- Автор вопроса
Молодой (will block scammers)
Switch off different wallets on your browser

the other wallets seem to be logged out, havent used em lately. Polkadot .js is logged in, it never interfered with metamask tho

the other wallets seem to be logged out, havent us...

Try deleting the Moonriver network in the metamask, and add it again. Scroll down and click connect to Moonriver network https://docs.moonbeam.network/tokens/connect/metamask

Chris- Автор вопроса
Молодой (will block scammers)
Dude on moonbeam use mm wallet

Gotcha, was just saying that i dont see how to logout of polka .js wallet

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