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How long does it take for tx to officially fail?

I sent sol to my wallet from exchange 17 hours ago now and tx hash says not found, exchange just waiting network is slow and can’t refund because coins already sent but I think it would have failed by now?

6 ответов

14 просмотров

Why do think that’s solana fault? CEX often delay withdrawal when huge demand. Call your CEX support.

Sounds like a low liquidity issue of these swap spaces. Not enough buyers. Automated sales. It’s a snowball effect. Still doesn’t sound like a Solana issue but more of a cex issue

Tyler-Crypto Автор вопроса
Sounds like a low liquidity issue of these swap sp...

Swapspace is more if a broker, they find best rate from many exchanges and facilitate tx. They say funds have been sent and provided tx hash but solana network is reason I haven’t received.

Tyler Crypto
Swapspace is more if a broker, they find best rate...

Can you teach me more about swapspace? If they are a broker and you put in an order, do they go to those exchanges, make the tx there, bring it over to broker account and then settle your transaction? Or do they settle your tx and then they balance their own books by going to other exchanges. The timing of the transactions when price is plummeting could cause tx to not go through because by the time swapspace puts in their order, price changed and is no longer capable of completing tx since the rate giving to you is not available. Just shooting some ideas out because a cex blaming someone else is biased, they won’t say the issue is on their end

Tyler-Crypto Автор вопроса
Can you teach me more about swapspace? If they are...

I think they are referral service the tx goes between you and the exchange “partner”. There is no account setup, you send one type of coin from your wallet to an address they provide you and they send the coin you are swapping for to your wallet. Lower fees than sending from DeFi to CEX, swapping and sending back to DeFi wallet.

Why do think that’s solana fault? CEX often delay ...

Swaps dont work, a few hours ago I couldn't make a simple transfer of Sol from one acc to another. All transactions were failing, one after another. I started trying to sell Sol at around 130$ and managed finally when it was 100$. Took me a few hours.

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