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@Cryptodaz2 where could I find the swap fee and

the daily fees info of Kava/USDX? Thanks bro

3 ответов

6 просмотров

The Swap fees for all pools are 0.15% You can see the 24 hours trade volumes for each pool on https://www.kava.io/swap (Currently $1,798,183 for Kava/USDX) So 0.15% would be $2,700 in Swap Fees generated OR https://coinmarketcap.com/exchanges/kava-swap/ OR https://www.coingecko.com/en/exchanges/kava_swap Although all three seem to being showing different volume data

Jimmy- Автор вопроса

You mentioned me before that the swap fees yield was 3.7% based on that day’s daily trade volume and the TLV value . What is the difference between that swap fee 0.15% and that yield 3.7%? Is there any place I can find that swap fee written? Thanks

You mentioned me before that the swap fees yield w...

The 0.15% swap fee is per tx, so if someone swaps 1000 Kava to 4500 USDX the swap fee would be 0.15% of 1000 Kava = 1.5 Kava fee If the 24 hour volume for the Kava/USDX pool is $1,798,183 (0.15% would be $2,700) and we assume it is the same for the next 365 days then the total annual swap fees generated would be $984,500 The current Pool size is $5,804,482 The annual swap fees are 17% of pool size which would be the annual yield due to swap fees. I suspect this is much higher than a standard day due to the market conditions, so really we need to be looking at weekly or monthly trade volumes rather then 24hr volumes to get a more accurate picture

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