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Hi guys, what’s the difference between GLMR and Acala?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

they are different projects

As Derek said; I would describe the difference this way. Acala’s evm is an extension to their substrate based defi suite. It allows the use of eg solidity smart contracts create apps that compose with the core acala defi apps and kusama / polkadot based assets on their chain. But they do not support the full web3 rpc so you can’t port existing dapp front ends and users will not be using MetaMask as the wallet. This is different from the moonbeam idea where we have created a full ethereum like environment, changed our underlying accounts to be ethereum like, and have full web3 rpc support. This allows for direct backend and front end ports of existing dapps, gives us better compatibility with existing ethereum tooling and infrastructure, and lets end users stay in MetaMask. The other significant difference is that acala obv has built in defi functionality whereas moonbeam is just a platform and all functionality, defi and otherwise is provided by other teams deploying their protocols on top. My personal view is that acala will be like terra, and will be able to offer a great defi UX by optimizing the entire chain for their use cases. I see moonbeam as something more like polygon or bsc where we strive to be the best developer platform we can be with maximum compatibility with existing tools, and focus on ecosystem vs our own products.

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