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What are you guysiz thoughts on the 4.3 billion hex

stakes expiring here in the coming couple weeks? It looks like the most massive unstaking volume in the next 15 year chart according to hex.Vision

4 ответов

11 просмотров

That said it was much worse in December. Zoomed in on the chart it doesn't look too bad actually. Probably price just continues this complex correction and with the release of Pulse we see a pump and hopefully a break out with it.

💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса
That said it was much worse in December. Zoomed i...

Yeah I just noticed the 4 billion expiring stakes coming up looked huge. Wonder what they will do with their billions of liquid hex coming into the world at one moment. We'll see.

I think you might be reading hex.vision wrong

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