209 похожих чатов

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22 просмотра

Hey stupid buddy. be quiat

상욱 박
Hey stupid buddy. be quiat

1. Be nice - no need to be rude.

Pan-Peter Автор вопроса
상욱 박
Hey stupid buddy. be quiat

상욱이 이새끼 한국새끼같은데

Please use English in the chat. PlayDapp's communities are global and so we ask for English to be used as base language for all

Ryan "Ziazo" Chown
Please use English in the chat. PlayDapp's communi...

The old god in the game disappeared while moving it to the wallet

Ryan "Ziazo" Chown
Please use English in the chat. PlayDapp's communi...

Alexis disappeared during the process of moving the Old Gods to the Item Manager in the game Level 62

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