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NFT in Along with the Gods

STBM- Автор вопроса
Ryan "Ziazo" Chown
NFT in Along with the Gods

Does it mean the PLA token is the one to stake?

Does it mean the PLA token is the one to stake?

https://medium.com/playdappgames/how-to-earn-playing-along-with-the-gods-22668ba72e8 https://medium.com/playdappgames/along-with-the-gods-play-to-earn-staking-guidelines-92f33628f490

STBM- Автор вопроса

So complicated to understand.... Is there a simply staking of PLA token and get rewards same as other projects? Just click stake then wait for rewards overtime..is there like that?

So complicated to understand.... Is there a simply...

no, there is currently no staking mechanism for PLA tokens. PlayDapp focuses on using NFTs to stake and reward players who participate in playdapp games

STBM- Автор вопроса
no, there is currently no staking mechanism for PL...

I see, Ok. I suggest you have to think also the PLA token staking programs like AXS. So PLA tokens could reduce the circulation, so it could also helps increase the price

So complicated to understand.... Is there a simply...

If you to stake bro you can make me your scholar ill play the game for you

STBM- Автор вопроса
If you to stake bro you can make me your scholar i...

Its not easy to do it to the people you dont know😂😂

Its not easy to do it to the people you dont know😂...

That's true man if you want we could go on a date so that we can get to know each other more😉

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