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That will be the 27th on migration day?

7 ответов

8 просмотров

You asked this a few minutes ago, no information yet on staking. The team will update the community for sure when they have important details to share

Essa AmaZix
You asked this a few minutes ago, no information y...

I asked this before but no one answered if we will get the update before the 27th so we can make a better decision I mean the team should have a good idea now and it's not a last minute decision?? Its only 2 days from now

Pete Vakeman
I asked this before but no one answered if we will...

We will be more than happy to keep the community posted when we have details. 🙏🥂

Essa AmaZix
We will be more than happy to keep the community p...

Ok but this didn't answer the question, why is this being avoided before such a important update Well we know before the 27th U can't tell us on the day itself?

Pete Vakeman
Ok but this didn't answer the question, why is thi...

The migration is scheduled to take place on the 27th CST (Central China Time) which will be some time in the evening of the 26th PT. It posted on the latest announcement (pinned message)

Pete Vakeman
Ok but this didn't answer the question, why is thi...

We understand. We, however moderate the channel please understand that we can't announce such announcements we don't have. 🙏

Essa AmaZix
We understand. We, however moderate the channel pl...

Ok then it's not you I take issue with its the Dev team itself They want to encourage us to migrate over to the veve app but they haven't decided a basic thing of what rewards to give for stakers days before a important event. Its not a professional or good look atm Should have been well thought out by now and explained days before to better prepare everyone.

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