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Hello - where does data from publishers get stored? Does

Ocean protocol incentivize a node network to do this task?

6 ответов

10 просмотров

There are no nodes as it runs on the Ethereum blockchain

R-F Автор вопроса

Thanks for your response. Where would data be stored if for example I wanted to supply some large file. Trying to understand how that's coordinated.

There are no nodes as it runs on the Ethereum bloc...

It runs basically on any EVM-compatible blockchain and has been deployed and integrated with a number of them. It is a Smart Contract based solution.

Thanks for your response. Where would data be stor...

You take care of the storage. It is your decision if you want to use a cloud provider, own infrastructure or decentralized solutions.

R-F Автор вопроса
Kai Meinke
You take care of the storage. It is your decision ...

Got it and thanks for elaborating. So fees from purchasers are paid to LPs for each individual dataset (price discovery via AMM). Are fees also paid in a fixed price scenario to any participants?

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