209 похожих чатов

So let's get this straight: Yahoo Finance! does a better

job at sorting Coinmarketcap's source data than CMC itself.......?

3 ответов

14 просмотров

Some sites make money when you lose money. They profit from you switching positions and coins over and over. Some profit from advertising you things that will get you rekt. Your job is to notice, that in crypto, "some" actually means "most." (This means ranking sites and margin trading sites. The only good thing is fiat onramp exchanges, they're necessary.)

Tobi-S Автор вопроса

there u go, page 3 with a rank of #201 ??? to literally push it JUST far enough so that its on the third page, which CMC knows receives less than 2% of their traffic. Look at the nonsensical market caps sorting: Everybody knows that after $161 mil comes $34 billion, and then what comes after that? $4 billion, thats right!! makes sense looool

Tobi-S Автор вопроса
Tobi S
there u go, page 3 with a rank of #201 ??? to lit...

if i used Excel/Google Sheets at work and clicked SORT on a column and it gave me this garbage, i would loose my job or the company would replace it with another tool that knows how to sort tables

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