209 похожих чатов

How much will a transfer to an other omi wallet

on ascendex cost after the migration?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

it depends on ethereum network congestion. maybe around 50-100 $ to transfer erc-20 tokens.

Farnoush AmaZix
it depends on ethereum network congestion. maybe a...

Is it too late for a friend to move tokens to exchange?

Sid The ⭕️MI Kid
Is it too late for a friend to move tokens to exch...

please make sure first from exchange support. it seems you still can, some hours left.

Farnoush AmaZix
please make sure first from exchange support. it s...

What will happen to my tokens if I leave them on Gate.io?

Top deGen
What will happen to my tokens if I leave them on G...

it will stay as Go Omi. then you can use manual token swap site. https://t.me/ecomi/1032191

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