no you needed higher gas
I don’t even remember being asked to select a gas level
warch the end of the video above to set eth fee
I appreciate the help, but I think I’m above the price point for that (based on the description of the video)
the end shows how to edit the eth g as fee
if it has been hours, open etherscan and look up the transaction id and see what is going on
you may need to speed up the transaction in metamask
I believe it’s been resolved. The first transaction must have been me signing the contract. Again, new
I will probably go live tonight late
I won’t be able to do late tonight but if they’re posted online I’ll check them out over the weekend
When doing a swap, the first transaction you must do is to Approve token spend. This is separate from the actual swap transaction itself.
Hex_is_the_way (1501) has increased reputation of Chris (3)
Hex_is_the_way (1501) has increased reputation of Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you] (378)
I just found that out the hard way 😆 thanks though
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