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Are there any development updates from persistence team apart from

showing weekly statiistics snapshots? or coinlist pSTAKE ido sales details?

4 ответов

8 просмотров

Latest persistence development updates will be shared soon. Currently team is focussed on pSTAKE.

No, but they should kick the ugly step child better known as Pstake out from under their umbrella. Pstake is incompetent and has taken months to get $60 million in TVL when other projects can do it in weeks. And the focus on ETH is ridiculous since Lido dominates there. Very poor strategy. Don’t count on many fees from them. However, AssetMantle looks to be very good and could be a huge boost to XPRT!

.- Автор вопроса
No, but they should kick the ugly step child bette...

a certain degree of truth here, staderlab got 400m tvl in just 2 months

a certain degree of truth here, staderlab got 400m...

Yep, and Superfluid is coming to Cosmos quickly making it very difficult for Pstake. Fold it and concentrate on others under the umbrella.

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