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Would I be able to see the APY offered before

locking and paying the fees? Also, once I lock for, say, 120 days, will the APY be the same as the one that was initially offered?

4 ответов

14 просмотров

APY would be visible after launch so yes, even though it's not fixed. Higher lock up periods would give a higher APY.

Kenny- Автор вопроса
Ben G | COTI | Will never DM you first!
APY would be visible after launch so yes, even tho...

Ok, thank you. So if I lock for 120 days and the APY when I lock is 20%, but after a month the treasury grows and someone is offered 30% for locking for 120 days then. Will my APY also increase to that 30% that's offered after one month? Thanks in advance :)

Kenny- Автор вопроса
Ben G | COTI | Will never DM you first!
APY isn't fixed

Ok just wanted to make sure, thanks 👍

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