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Any good liquidity guage available for BTC? HEX's is pretty


5 ответов

3 просмотра

HEX's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest. Bitcoin's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was lowest. Ethereum's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest.

You won't be able to get the full scope like Hex

Liquiidity cannot be quantified. It is dynamic and unmeasurable until after a price move. People confuse AMM liquidiity pools for actual liquiidity, which is wrong. The AMM can provide minimum liquiidity info as it would be under static conditions, but since it is dynamic...

Gavok- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
Liquiidity cannot be quantified. It is dynamic and...

Isnt order book depth an indicator? The spoofed orders in btc cexs make it hard to get an accurate measure but i doubt there is as mucb spoofing in HEX

Isnt order book depth an indicator? The spoofed or...

Yes, but an order book is also just as static as AMM (with the annoying property of being fakable). The actual liquidiity is the dynamic response to orders. This depends also on bots, arbitraging, market makers and traders that react to price movement, and a lot of that is not in the order books.

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