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So now that I have watched all the how-to videos

, very impressive staking system and interface I must say, I have one question on reward claim. If I lock for 60D and enable the auto extend feature - and claim the reward accumulated during the first 60 days . During the next 60 days lock, I decided to withdraw everything around the 40th day, I know I am going to loose all the accumulated reward. Am I loosing the rewards that’s accumulated from the start of second phase of lock in period or even the rewards generated and claimed during the first phase of 60 days lock period as well?

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Add to the AMA questions: https://t.me/COTInetwork/674298

Ben G | COTI | Will never DM you first!
It would be answered, that's why we're collecting ...

Ok. Submitted. Will there be a recording of the AMA that people from other time zones can watch later ?

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