209 похожих чатов

What are your guysiz thoughts on hex price action before

pls launch? You think it will get bought up due to ppl wanting copies? Cause it doesn't seem to be the case too much right now. Just curious.

6 ответов

7 просмотров

Same dynamics as the last sac phase to a tee

💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса
💎 M a t t-🚀H E X🐂 Автор вопроса
Same dynamics as the last sac phase to a tee

Only difference this time is that the sacs over. A little dif

Pulse DCA Club Hex_is_the_way

Hex_is_the_way (1569) has increased reputation of C O (154)

Same dynamics as the last sac phase to a tee

so far we have triple the number of wallets sac for plsx than pls which is great for adoption

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