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Theres something I'm not sure of when reading the article

about treasury. Let's say you stake 100 000coti at x2 and the price go down 15%. If you unstake, do you still get your 100 000 coti or are they reduced. Same question if the token price go up, do you get more coin to represent the gain on the leverage?

10 ответов

10 просмотров

There’s a penalty for early withdrawal and any reward occurred during that active period would be voided and distributes amongst other participants in the treasury

alexandre-g Автор вопроса

the rule applies to the general knowledge about investing on staking pool. when prices fluctuates (mostly worse dumps) and you have staking assets on your account, the cumulative principal amount will get automatically affected (primarily by interest) negatively. therefore, your staked assets are reduced, depending on the risk factor you unlocked.

alexandre-g Автор вопроса
Buch Rachit
the rule applies to the general knowledge about in...

Make sense so what if the token price double while on x4, are compensated on both sides?

alexandre g
Make sense so what if the token price double while...

i haven't taken my research about this. my take is yes.

alexandre-g Автор вопроса
Buch Rachit
i haven't taken my research about this. my take is...

You're only expecting the worst =p haha. Seems hard to get an answer on that atm. Someone else asked the same thing and got no answer ;(

alexandre-g Автор вопроса
alexandre g
Make sense so what if the token price double while...

That’s not how treasury works, think abt multiplier as if u r investing on margin, if price goes down a lot u will get margin call or liquidation, if price goes up than you got lucky, your bet works on your side due to the fact you choose 4x and thus earn higher apy bc of it

alexandre g
I won't touch it before knowing it

make more research. i haven't lay my hands on it yet. still learning.

If you withdraw your deposit of 100,000 $COTI you will get 100,000 $COTI with the value of the current price of COTI

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