209 похожих чатов

U collect the reward after the staking period has ended..

early withdrawn will be subjected to penalty fee of max 2% correct?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

penalty fee of max 2% will be only if you withdraw early your deposit, not the rewards

Vladyslav | COTI
penalty fee of max 2% will be only if you withdraw...

When can you claim those accumulated rewards in 120 days unlocked?

When can you claim those accumulated rewards in 12...

Anytime but you loose the compound interest on those rewards. It’s not that hard to figure out.

No. Wrong. You can collect rewards any time before staking period ends. Or claim in full when period ends. No penalty. Rewards not collected during staking period will earn x1 interest. The penalty 2% n forfeit of all rewadds is for those who close their position before the end of staking period. All rewards claimed will be deducted from pricipal sum plus 2% penalty fee before returning you.

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