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Any Ledger experts online? I purchased a second Ledger Nano

because I cannot be 100% sure that the seed phrase on the original one is totally secured. I plan to move everything from my original Nano to a brand new one. I have set up the Recovery Phrase and seemingly connected the Nano to Ledger Live, but Ledger Live is still showing the balances on the original device. I can't figure out how you switch back and forth between Devices.

7 ответов

12 просмотров

Have you updated your new ledger

Amazing-Chriskin Автор вопроса
Billy Madison 🦑
Have you updated your new ledger

Installed ETH app but not updated firmware. Where do you do that from?

Amazing Chriskin
Installed ETH app but not updated firmware. Where ...

It should be at the top of ledger live.. Go to hex security, loz and some others will 💯 know what’s going on

Amazing-Chriskin Автор вопроса
Amazing-Chriskin Автор вопроса


Amazing Chriskin

Amazing Chriskin (0) has increased reputation of Billy Madison 🦑 🇧🇸🇺🇸 (49)

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