209 похожих чатов

@RichardHeart So i Heard Richard mention Hexmob dot win

on the live stream from yesterday. So I went there for the first time and most websites Just want to view the address. But this one wants an extra permission. What do you guys think?

12 ответов

15 просмотров
Brisology- Автор вопроса

hexmob dot win

hexmob dot win

The creativity never ends ! …. Fuck we have clever devs

Brisology- Автор вопроса
Spanking good hex
The creativity never ends ! …. Fuck we have clever...

i dont know if you understand my post. I think the website could be a scam site. Why does it want to initiate transactions for me? To Steal my money?

i dont know if you understand my post. I think the...

It does look a little shady as per the styling , … but I know nothing on this .

Sounds dodgy. I would only test that with a hardware wallet attached to MM and even then I would have a separate hardware wallet with a small test balance on it. Generally though you can give it all the permissions in the world but they can’t spend the funds without the device plugged in.

Andrew 3695555
Sounds dodgy. I would only test that with a hardw...

Oops, my bad. Yeah, what @TezzFPV said 🤦‍♂️

Andrew 3695555
Sounds dodgy. I would only test that with a hardw...

other than token spend approval. That permission can clear your wallet

Andrew 3695555
Oops, my bad. Yeah, what @TezzFPV said 🤦‍♂️

yeah, otherwise it's impossible to 'initiate' a legitimate transaction such as Staking functions. Without it, the site would be completely read only

Andrew 3695555

Devonbloke (123) has increased reputation of Tezz ⬣⎔ Hex ⎔⬣ [I won't DM you] (427)

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