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2FA Question: I have had experiences where 2FA has been

reset to not fault of my own. For example, both Nexo and recently Crypto.com wiped all 2FA and had to contact support to reset.

What happens if 2FA is lost or forced reset at Mobox? Would I be able to restore by simply wiping Mobox iOS app and entering my wallet seed phrase to restore? Or is your 2FA only for login process and not tied to wallet? Then if lost we have no way to access account?

I want to setup 2FA but because of past experiences it makes me incredibly nervous that it would lock me out instead of others. 😅

7 ответов

5 просмотров

tbh with you 2fa would only work on centralized wallets ! if someone has your private key, 2fa will not help you !

Billy-the Pride Cat 🌈 Автор вопроса
tbh with you 2fa would only work on centralized wa...

Oh definitely. Not worried about my key more worried about someone gaining access to my account and locking me out somehow. Is that what your 2FA is protecting just the login?

2FA is only for centralised platform like CDC and Nexo. Mobox BOX wallet which is used for gaming is centralised that's why have 2FA. You seedphrase is your decentralised bsc wallet, totally separate and 2fa can't protect your seedphrase... Only you can protect it yourself.

Billy-the Pride Cat 🌈 Автор вопроса
Mobox To Pluto
2FA is only for centralised platform like CDC and ...

Thank you. So if somehow my 2FA fails, reset or is lost then since it’s on the centralized wallet couldn’t support reset it? That’s what I don’t understand because Fatboy said before they can’t reset it. I want to protect my account as thoroughly as possible but if somehow I lock myself out I want to ensure I can get back on. 😅

Billy the Pride Cat 🌈
Thank you. So if somehow my 2FA fails, reset or is...

To be frank, reset of 2FA must be done by an recognise company that is non anonymous. Both CDC and Nexo are known team, but mobox team is anonymous. High chance 2FA related issues can't be reset by mobox team. It is solely between the 2FA service provider and user. This 2fa will resolve users that is having problems to receive SMS from their service provider... So it's up to you whether u want to activate or not. Because since I activate it, I use 2fa code to withdraw from BOX wallet. Easier than SMS.

Billy-the Pride Cat 🌈 Автор вопроса
Mobox To Pluto
To be frank, reset of 2FA must be done by an recog...

1. Enabling 2FA bypasses SMS verification for BOX withdrawal? 2. Does it make you nervous that if your 2FA fails you’d have no way to recover account? That’s what is making me nervous. Thanks!

Billy the Pride Cat 🌈
1. Enabling 2FA bypasses SMS verification for BOX ...

Yes. U use 2fa to withdraw, Dont need SMS. I have convert all SMS related to 2fa, for all banks related etc.

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