with only asset as Kava or BUSD?
On KavaSwap you need equal value of USDX, but you can supply to Kava Mint or Kava Lend with just Kava or BUSD If you want to supply to the KavaSwap liquidity Pools you could either buy some USDX or swap 50% of your BUSD to USDX, or mint USDX with a little over 50% of your BUSD to give you enough USDX
Thank sir. I am a newcomer in Kava network
Beware of scammers, anyone sending youy a DM including team, admins and what appears to be myself is likely to be a scammer. Never enter your seed words in any form someone may direct you to Also be cautious on Twitter of fake Kava and Trust Wallet support who are almost certain to be scammers
Thanks for reminding!
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