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AMA with CEO and Founder of Broxus to be held


🗣In conjunction with the release of our new roadmap, Broxus CEO Vladislav Ponomarev and Founder Sergei Shashev will be doing an AMA where they will further expand on what's in store for Broxus in 2022.

🕰The time and date of the AMA have been changed to tomorrow, February 9, at 16:00 GMT. If you have any questions, or are just curious about the direction the company is headed in, you're not going to want to miss this!

👉The AMA will be held on Zoom, here's the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88323504087?pwd=VlNWcjJTb2NGZG9ITG8veFBSNEhzQT09

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