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Hey Lee-do lido... just to be sure, when we buy

an st_asset (stLuna, stSol), we receive the autocompounding staking reward (just as for mSol), plus we acctually receive sol LDO tokens, but only when we lend or farm it (like mSol), do I get the gist?

3 ответов

2 просмотра

LDO tokens are earned when using different defi protocols as they are usually an incentive for liquidity.

0xy-doable Автор вопроса
LDO tokens are earned when using different defi pr...

so stSol and mSol are similar, only that stSol is more cross-chain, right?

0xy doable
so stSol and mSol are similar, only that stSol is ...

They are both a liquid stake token but I'm not super familiar with mSOL to comment on similarities/differences

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