209 похожих чатов

CZ Q: I was able to upgrade a bunch of

cards to a 5 star card. However, it doesn’t show the bound link icon like for the 5 star cards I purchased. So I figured I would be able to list it on marketplace but it doesn’t show up. Also, it doesn’t appear I may bind card either when I go to upgrade it doesn’t give me points. Is this 5 star card the same stats as one I’d purchase in market I just don’t get AP and can’t sell?

2 ответов

4 просмотра

not every 5-star card is an Epic or Legendary. You probably have a rare card (not sellable)

Billy-the Pride Cat 🌈 Автор вопроса
not every 5-star card is an Epic or Legendary. You...

Ah yes, it has a red outline. I thought all 5 star were epic. Thanks!

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