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Hi guys, with staking am I right in thinking that

when the stake ends the worth is whatever the price is on the day not the day you staked?

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Correct, end stake mints your HEX (principal + interest earnt) and it's value is then based upon the price of HEX at the time.

Mr. Ben- Автор вопроса
Correct, end stake mints your HEX (principal + int...

Thank you. I understand why people have called this a scam. But just join community and am amaze at what a financial product this is. You just feel you’ve been ripped off your life with the banks.

Mr. Ben
Thank you. I understand why people have called thi...

HEX is brilliant. But also complex and hard to fully comprehend, especially when new. That's why many have taken the easy option and called it a scam, instead of actually taking the time to understand the product. Over two years old, 100% uptime, amazing price performance and working as intended.

Correct, end stake mints your HEX (principal + int...

Wait so if you start a stake at .20c and for arguments sake say your five year stake ends and hex is now worth $2, the interest and principle your earn is paid back to you at .20? Surely not right at hex is hex? Sorry I think I asked a pretty dumb question here but just wouldn’t mind that cleared up a bit

Mr. Ben- Автор вопроса
HEX is brilliant. But also complex and hard to ful...

I indeed it is. The problem is the younger generation on this chat wouldn’t have been financially minded at the age when these where products offered by banks and people use to use the interest to buy a car and holidays because the rates where so much better.

Humble Farmer
Wait so if you start a stake at .20c and for argum...

All interest you earn whilst staked is paid in HEX to be claimed at the end of your stake. So for example you stake 1000 HEX today and now in 5 years you now have earnt 4000 HEX in interest, you now have 5000 HEX (1000 principal + 4000 interest earnt). Then using your example you would times 5000 by $2.

Humble Farmer
Wait so if you start a stake at .20c and for argum...

No, the price of HEX is determined by the market (obviously, as every freely tradable asset is). Market value cannot be determined by the contract. Same principle as bank CD's. You make a deposit at a certain USD (or other currency) market value and once the bank gives you back the principle and mints you interest, the value of the USD is again determined by the market. The difference is that fiat money value is designed to go down over time, while HEX is designed to go up over longterm (hence the burning mechanism and capped total supply inflation).

Humble Farmer

Humble Farmer (0) has increased reputation of Nenad [I won't dm you] (2493)

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