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Guys, a question regarding definitions: Could staking in hex be

considered a loan (to the system to hold up the price and get reward (inflation and penalties) in hex)?

5 ответов

10 просмотров
Bailey-Dominguez Автор вопроса


Depends on your definition of a loan. It is not a liquidity based loan (no loaning of tokens), so not a loan in a strict sense. But HEX does virtual lending as the stakers lend value to holders and holders reward stakers by bleeding them value.

Nenad [I won't dm you]
Depends on your definition of a loan. It is not a ...

HEX's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest. Bitcoin's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was lowest. Ethereum's price went up the fastest when its liquidity was the lowest.

Bailey-Dominguez Автор вопроса

The holders rewarding stakers by bleeding them value u say. How actually?

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