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I would like a straight answer. Now that veve NFTs

have been minted on Ethereum and a ecomi itself is a ERC 20 token. What is the barrier stopping us from managing our own digital assets and openly being able to transfer them in and out of different wallets. I understand it was said early that some brands are going to refrain from this, however it was said not all brands or artists are going to be skeptical of interoperability of this nature. So if these are NFTs are true in nature what is realistically stopping us from such actions of managing our own so called digital assets. The Team Themselves Maybe? I would like a straight answer , no rhetoric

4 ответов

8 просмотров

This is best to ask in AMA for more detailed answers. The team shared info to us and we pass it to the community.

www.commasnzeros.com Sanchez
When is next ama

Date is not confirmed yet. Please stay tuned, it'll be announced here.

Essa AmaZix
Date is not confirmed yet. Please stay tuned, it'l...

+1 https://twitter.com/veve_official/status/1490764843594379265

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