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Hello. Is there any stats, parametrics, effiency, transaction speed, fee

statistics etc you could ref me to? I want to compare moonbeam against avalanche

1 ответов

8 просмотров

moonriver & moonbeam right now, in its reduced performance state is around 5 tps. there are more incremental improvements coming in the near term. but the big unlock will be contextual execution, which should say 10x the throughput. the Moonbeam network is working in reduced capacity. this comes down to us from parity and the relay chain. including block time and the amount of wasm execution time that is allowed on the relay chain to execute parablocks. see this blog for more context: https://moonbeam.network/blog/moonriver-technical-update-september-2021/. there are still multiple networking issues that need to be addressed, and then the system needs to be optimized. many of these are things which we cannot solve ourselves without help from parity. tps is low single digits right now. but its running at a small fraction of what the throughput will ultimately be. its easier to troubleshoot these low level issues when running in this slower state. we are continuing to work on performance along with parity.

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