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How much will I pay in fees for ending a

30 day stake? I’m hearing this is an issue and can in some cases defeat the purpose of staking?

11 ответов

8 просмотров


30 days is not something u wanna do unless u r doing over 1M HEX or more to milk the interest but u will lose on shares each time. Stake longer, much longer, use StakeHEX.today HEXcalc.net

Humble Farmer

Humble Farmer (0) has increased reputation of Recovery Rider (16)

Humble-Farmer Автор вопроса
I 23275
30 days is not something u wanna do unless u r doi...

Thanks, yeah this was a bit of a “test stake” my first one. Currently holding far less than 1m hex so was thinking to accumulate a bit for for a while then stake for longer?

Stake 1/3 for the longest u can handle 10 years is best for 3x max bonus, it;s like staking all of ur HEX but having 2/3 still liquid. Do 1/3 for 5 years. The last 1/3 keep liquid for a the copy, stakes also copy over. HEX is 70% down from ATH and 2x coins for a copy so its like 85% off.

Humble Farmer

I gave you the direct link you can, you can go to home page there for Hexnoob and bookmark and that will give you alot of calculators and links for Hex.

Very often a 30 day end stake can cost less than the original stake. I did a 30 day last month and it cost about $45 to put on but when I end staked, fees were really low and I think it only cost $22 lol In short 30 days of calculations doesn't cost much more than 1 day.

Andrew 3695555
Very often a 30 day end stake can cost less than t...

Wrong. The cost to unstake is absolutly linear meaning 30 days will cost 30 times 1 day to unstake. The base gas fee were just cheaper than when you create the stake.

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