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Can I just ask, what are the risks when you

stake with collators? How can you know which one is good and which one is not?
Also how can you calculate what rewards are you gonna get as its not saying nothing on the website?

3 ответов

5 просмотров

No slashing and no access to your fund. Onky risk is to stop receiving staking rewards in case your collators go out of active set or you as delegator go out of top300

staking rewards depend on your stake vs the stake of everyone's else for a specific collator, and how many blocks that collator produced. But can see a stimate on that page http://stakeglmr.com

P-I Автор вопроса
Jose Crypto
No slashing and no access to your fund. Onky risk ...

You mean, no one can't steal my funds anyhow?

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