212 похожих чатов

A question about staking, I have 450k reef bonded and

have 11 validators nominated, including ones having lower commissions. According to reefconsole I have more than the 64th on Klever (10% commission) but did not get included in this epoch/era for the Klever validator. Instead I got split between a few with higher commissions. Is there a way to improve my chances of being assigned to the ones with lower commissions or just need to drop nominations of higher commission validators and run risk of those validators not being in the active set? Maybe I am missing something

3 ответов

17 просмотров

Don't nominate 11 nominator only 1


Bene Richi

Calculate your estimated Reef20 Staking Rewards and find the best validator for your Reef Stack. This Calculator is the fruit of an amazing and dedicated teamwork. With the help of Jaime Flores aka. FlowerStake, Ramon Egger and Pierre, you will be able to know which is the "BEST" Validator for you and how much estimated Reef Rewards you will get before you start staking! Staking Calculator: 🔥 https://reefaq.io/en/staking-calculator

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