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Does akash use traditional cloud like amazon google on the


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anyone can be a cloud provider in the marketplace, if the setup is technically capable- it’s not about who akash uses. The only big data Center provider I’m aware of is Equinix Metal:..there are many other individuals and small data centres as providers right now. I highly doubt anyone that layers services on top and who’s business model is to “own” the customer would be a provider (like AWS, azure etc)

.- Автор вопроса
PC ⚡️
anyone can be a cloud provider in the marketplace,...

suppose if it is the centralized providers on the backend then it does not make akash any decentralized isint it? if that's the case then akash is more like an aggregator of centralize cloud service providers rather

suppose if it is the centralized providers on the ...

No…that is probably not the right way to think about it. The truth is a lot of people that don’t actually do this themselves, or were never a customer of a cloud provider have a harder time getting their head around it. computations are not decentralized.. one provider will always run your app at any given point in time…. (I’m not sure if any other way is even possible, I’m not a dev). That doesn’t make akash centralized. Akash decentralizes access to compute… it makes it permissionless and censorship resistant … these are the characteristics that are impossible to achieve with an actual centralized provider. And it does so while dramatically cutting the cost. As long as one provider in the marketplace is available and willing to run your deployment your deployment will run. And you can quickly roll to another provider if needed. Others in the space claim they are decentralized cloud but are not truly permisssionless. The ultimate way to realize the difference is to try both AWS and akash. I suggest though you read up on akash’s partners in the dweb stack as well to put a picture together of what the not centralized web looks like… go through the blog on the website, the announcements channel and the videos + Twitter spaces.. there is a ton of material out there

PC ⚡️
No…that is probably not the right way to think abo...

Hi. Have you heard about 0chain? They are creating a permissionless dStorage platform as well, speed on par with AWS. Partners are legit: Oracle, Huawei Cloud and AWS (Ocean & FET etc). 0chain would be a great partner for Akash imo (after mainnet launch)

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