210 похожих чатов

I’m not trying to argue with you all, but this

was by far the worst experience I’ve ever had entering a chat room. That says something about the current culture of the community. Or at least this moment of it. And I’m offering suggestions on how to improve the situation and all I’m receiving is more rejection. If I didn’t love Litecoin then why would I offer to help it?

9 ответов

8 просмотров

I have 100 bad exp

Liberty-Copula Автор вопроса
Felipe Fernandes
I have 100 bad exp

Please stop writing to me. You are harassing me.

Try Twitter. And join the litecoinfam there.

Liberty-Copula Автор вопроса
Try Twitter. And join the litecoinfam there.

I have. Am I not welcome in the Litecoin telegram group?

You cant suffer that more am suffering

Liberty-Copula Автор вопроса
Felipe Fernandes
True people dont say those things here tester

What? Why would I be testing you? And what would I be testing you on?

Liberty Copula
I have. Am I not welcome in the Litecoin telegram ...

Like I say, there are people with ulterior motives here. You are free to express your opinions here. Same as every other person.

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