209 похожих чатов

So what’s the strategy to actually enjoy your wealth from

hex if it’s always staked?

41 ответов

8 просмотров

You make a staking ladder. 1-2 times a year (or your preference) so you always have cash flow

Humble-Farmer Автор вопроса
Melissa ski
You make a staking ladder. 1-2 times a year (or yo...

So keep the interest for yourself and reinvest the principal yeah?

Humble Farmer
So keep the interest for yourself and reinvest the...

That's kinda Okay, you take your profit and you reinvest, which means steady cash flow

Humble-Farmer Автор вопроса
That's kinda Okay, you take your profit and you re...

What’s a standard ladder stake look like? Or is it too broad? I guess it depends on how much people are investing etc

I made 2 stakes 6 months ago one ended this month and one ending in December 2022. I am down almost 70% the t share price when i staked was about 8000 dollars it is now 2291 dollars. So how do i take profit??? RH says the t share price only goes up.

Benedict Cuminhersnatch
I made 2 stakes 6 months ago one ended this month ...

How much hex did you get from staking? This should offset losses

Melissa is talking pish.

No steady flow

Flase info !ban

1 t share staked 6 months ago is at a lost against usdt and usdc

I guess it goes up in hex amount.

And where to you spend hex bruh? Last i checked you cant spend it anywhere

Benedict Cuminhersnatch
And where to you spend hex bruh? Last i checked yo...

it doesn't matter so much I guess, you just trade it for another currency of your choice.

How the fuck im i going to buy a lambo with Hex?

I swap for usdt or usdc and im down 70%

Benedict Cuminhersnatch
I swap for usdt or usdc and im down 70%

THese are bad times to trade it for a stablecoin

Benedict Cuminhersnatch
How much crack are you smoking bro?

Name the currency i can swap for to get my " cash flow"


Your a fucking retard bro. Im down 70% on t share price if i do that

You should learn how to be a happy person.

You should learn how to give good advice before opening your word hole here and spouting pish

Benedict Cuminhersnatch
No where near enough to cover the losses

What were the numbers? I’m not judging. I’ll help you if I can. How many tokens did you stake? How long was the stake for in days? How many hex do you have total?

Humble-Farmer Автор вопроса
Benedict Cuminhersnatch
I swap for usdt or usdc and im down 70%

Wtf how? I thought the idea of stable coins were to have the option to store your value in something less volatile?

What were the numbers? I’m not judging. I’ll help ...

1 t share bought when price was 8200 dollars expired yesterday. I now have to unstake for a loss

Lance Johnson
Unstake sure. But don't sell for a loss...

So what about Melissa's steady cash flow? Stake every 6 months for steady gains?

Benedict Cuminhersnatch
1 t share bought when price was 8200 dollars expir...

Bro you’re confusing tshare price with the value of your bag

Well, you can still recover your funds

How??? Hodl? You got a magic ball bro?

Benedict Cuminhersnatch
1 t share bought when price was 8200 dollars expir...

What? You got 1 tshare at $8200. Hoe many hex did it generate?

The Prairie Banana 🍌 van Dalen
6 Hex/day?

Yes 6 hex a day for 6 months about 1200 hex

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