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Any HEX OGs in here? I heard when HEX was first

being created and launched, the FUD surrounding the “delays” and “4 more weeks” and “so close to launch” type of talk lasted for a LONG time. How long was the time period when Bitcoin HEX was announced to when HEX actually launched?

Just curious from a historical perspective when thinking about PulSeChain launch, delays, and stuff.

7 ответов

2 просмотра

Past outcomes have little bearing on the present situation

Hex was completed before the adoption amplifier was shut off. There were some small delays back in the day, but nobody cared because nobody had put in any money yet. We were all just glad Hex was going to exist.

Zog117- Автор вопроса
Past outcomes have little bearing on the present ...

Not what I asked. Simply curious how long it took HEX to launch for nothing more than my own entertainment. Nothing more.

Not what I asked. Simply curious how long it took ...

There were quite a few "4 more weeks", but mostly nobody cared because it was in the middle of the bear market.

Nenad [I won't dm you]
There were quite a few "4 more weeks", but mostly ...

Hey there is a guy in plsx chat that wants to get in pls chat but can’t if you could help

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