209 похожих чатов

Hey So from what I understood there are no more people

working for skale in Ukraine ?

4 ответов

11 просмотров

You can read our CEO's post about our engineers here. https://t.me/skaleofficial/281240

We still have about 4 people in country. They for personal reasons can’t leave. We’re in contact constantly and they’re doing as well as Can be expected.

We can’t discuss specific locations, however we are talking with them and so far, they’re doing well. If you saw the picture Jack posted on twitter from across the street from our Kharkiv office, you’ll see that building was bombed. Our office lost some windows and had some other damage, but no one goes in anymore at this point. Those were taken by one of our team who is helping in country with resistance at a lot of peril to her. Incredibly proud and supportive of her and everyone on our team. This is not easy for them regardless of whether in country or not.

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