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Gm fellas what is the best way to bridge my

funds from fantom to kava?

4 ответов

12 просмотров

Only atom, UTC and AKT are so far the only IBC assets usable on kava network. You can also deposit BTC, BNB, xrp and BUSD via Bep2 Plus native tokens kava, hard, USDX and SWP

MPL- Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
Only atom, UTC and AKT are so far the only IBC ass...

so I need first to buy some atom and put it on my KEPLER wallet right?

MPL- Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
Only atom, UTC and AKT are so far the only IBC ass...

meta mask work with Kava? since I didnot find it on connection tab on kava website

so I need first to buy some atom and put it on my ...

If you wish to supply atom to kava lend, then send atom to a atom/cosmos wallet address on Keplr or cosmostation mobile wallet, then load it to kava chain from the kava web app or if using cosmostation mobile wallet click on the send IBC from the atom wallet

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