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Mintngo is a product to streamline the process for the minting of nfts and fungible tokens on the blockchain

Mintngo is a product to streamline the process for...

Perhaps organise an AMA with the mint team in here

Lets Work
Perhaps organise an AMA with the mint team in here

No need for an AMA, product is there to complete a simple purpose. No need to complicate what it is or does.

What is the status of mainnet?

I believe it is going to be released very soon

No need for an AMA, product is there to complete a...

Think the same, but what would you say about AMA with xdb's team at the end of the quarter?

Yep I don't see why a progress report for Q1 shoul...

Would be nice to hear from al and Daniele they haven’t said anything in a while

Sailor is not a team member I believe the possibility of a ama was discussed this was the most recent answer I think

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