212 похожих чатов

After bonding my token what else do i need to

do in order for me to get rewind withing a setting period of time?

4 ответов

20 просмотров

bond ,then nominate .... simple...

flow-k Автор вопроса
Agus Sadeli | kolbir
bond ,then nominate .... simple...

When i click on norminate i saw Klever and staking all Which one should i use?

flow k
When i click on norminate i saw Klever and staking...

check how many reefs are needed on the validators here: https://console.reefscan.com/#/staking to receive rewards you must have at least more than 64th guide here: https://medium.com/reef-finance/how-to-bond-your-reef-and-nominate-a-reef-chain-validator-using-klever-wallet-2eb998bdb011

check how many reefs are needed on the validators ...

Instructions to stake REEF in the Klever wallet: 1) Get Reef20 coins at Gate, Hotbit or Bitfinex exchanges 2) Add Reef (Reef Chain) to your wallet -> link 3) Send funds to your Reef20 address (address must start with 5) 4) After that, you need to bond. Guide how to bond (28 day lock to unbond)-> link 5) Then nominate. Guide on how to nominate -> link

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