209 похожих чатов

I would definitely like to see a more "fleshed out"

roadmap. Giving insight into the strategic thinking behind it. When I read about band v3, I'm pretty excited, but when taken into consideration with the recent vote to allocate more space for queries by reducing another part of the block, it makes me think that some technical limits are being approached, and the model might need reviewing. Lower latency, for example, if six seconds block time is too slow, then we will move away from a situation where all the data is contained within the blockchain and there will be request data that are only referred to in the blockchain. More like chainlink, as far as i understand what they do. But how decentralised will it be?

Basically, we could do with an AMA 😀

1 ответов

17 просмотров

There was an AMA form shared in the price chat. Maybe Yash or one of the mods can link it below.

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