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Hey team, I have listened to jacks podcast where he

mentioned that currently almost 150 dapps are being built on skl. That’s awesome, but being a developer i have a small question, over the past year there have been only 4 dapps on skl chain till now this means the developers productivity is kinda low

Given my experience on developing, I know that having timely technical assistance can drastically improve the velocity of development, just wondering how big is the technical support team at skl and how is the team prioritizing on which dapps teams devs to assist with ?

7 ответов

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We have folks in the hopper, but mainnet has been a phased launch. IMA Bridge last september was when we had features ready for our first dapps to launch, but many required extra feature sets. We currently have 5 live and a few more about to come out. V2 adds the additional features required by many dapps, (chain to chain, etc), which is what will allow many of the other dapps who’ve been waiting to develope and release their products. That’s in a few weeks, then after validators upgrade dapps can begin testing on live mainnet and also releasing. Things have moved more slowly in part because we have taken a more hands on approach (not uncommon in the beginning of a project/product life) and our solutions engineering team just added 2 more people to the existing 3 people. These folks are more than tech support and are actually engineers in their own right, so a more highly skilled level of people. We’ve purposefully taken a slightly more conservative approach as we believe getting it right in the beginning will have a higher impact than just releasing product that won’t handle the surge. Also, there are 150 dapps who’ve applied, not all are developing at this time as it depends on their timeline for release as we’re only one component of their release strategy. As an example, ruby.exchange is not an existing prodcut so when they go out, it’ll be a brand new product, which is different than adding to an existing product. Is it all perfect, nope, but I think we have a model that makes sense given where we are and our approach. If you’re a dev, I highly recommend joining discord skale.chat which is where deve are and are sharing their expiences. It’s more active than telegram, but has a purely technical focus.

Crypto_Nerd- Автор вопроса
Marcos Hash - Truth Ventures Sanchez
We have folks in the hopper, but mainnet has been ...

my bad. I just wanted to say that this is such a wonderful answer. I really like the approach the team is taking interms of taking sustainable controlled growth over sudden inflated growth. Its super awesome to see that the team is expanding the solutions engineering capacity and this is just awesome. This just instilled a lot of confidence in me interms of long term sustainability. Thank you so much Marcos

my bad. I just wanted to say that this is such a w...

It’s an approach we’ve taken much to the dismay of some of our more speculative community members, but we think that over the long term, it creates a healthier more sustainable ecosystem. Ulitmately, we need consumer grade dapps that are building on SKALE, renting chains and increasing activities. There aren’t many shortcuts you can take, and the ultimate goal is platform self sustenance. If you have devs buying chains, locking tokens into contracts it drives demand for new chains up (which means more nodes, which means more staking). Then the economics will benefit everyone (especially the early community, and we don’t mean the core team, but you and others who are here in telegram). This is a new model, and it’s not to say we’re doing everything perfectly, but we can’t throw the baby out with the bathwater, so we need to think about QA, usability, solid code, and how devs will be able to integrate. First versions of anything require tweeking, so being diligent and working with devs is key.

Crypto_Nerd- Автор вопроса
Marcos Hash - Truth Ventures Sanchez
It’s an approach we’ve taken much to the dismay of...

Absolutely, being a startup founder myself I can completely correlate with the strategic approach the team is taking and hands down I just gained new found respect to the team. I know this approach can be a disheartening to speculative members, but i think this is a super awesome strategy. And the approach you are taking here is very similar to how AWS grew their dominance in the cloud market by focusing on the developers. Looking forward to see how the skale ecosystem is going to evolve in the upcoming years 🙂

Absolutely, being a startup founder myself I can c...

thanks, we really have an amazing core team and founders. Ultimately you’re right, the next decentralized AWS would be a pretty amazing place for SKALE to be, just need to keep pushing and delivering. Hope you’re considering SKALE for your project (if it makes sense), but even if not, appreciate the conversation.

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