214 похожих чатов

So do you know WX? What will you do when

you get WX in today's drop?

12 ответов

7 просмотров

I will be glad I will go out on a date with my love @ecelps ❤ She has been a nice admin and has helped us a lot since the first day we joined

Yes, me staking

I will stake my WX token

stake it 🤭

Ecel- Автор вопроса
Yes, me staking

How about locking WX and earning gWX also?

Ecel- Автор вопроса
How are you today

Wonderful :) Thanks for asking

How about locking WX and earning gWX also?

Gwx is the governance token that is earned by staking WX. You can increase the WX rewards of each liquidity pool, vote for the WX issuance curve and propose and vote on which tokens will be added for example

Gwx is the governance token that is earned by stak...

great … thank you for the informations

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