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Did Origin abandon the 'web3 shopify' vision?

4 ответов

19 просмотров

Hey gooby! At this time, the Dshop has been handed over completely to the community. You can learn more details here: blog.originprotocol.com/a-new-chapter-for-dshop-giving-control-to-the-community-12e8ec7ee5ca

Gooby- Автор вопроса
Alejandro Urich
Hey gooby! At this time, the Dshop has been hande...

cool! so how would a user create their own dshop?

cool! so how would a user create their own dshop?

Yes, you would need to deploy your own Dshop

Gooby- Автор вопроса
Alejandro Urich
Yes, you would need to deploy your own Dshop

just taking a look now. seems a lot less user friendly haha but ah well, i guess it kinda makes sense to distance from it given possible legal complications?

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