209 похожих чатов

Do someone know how to buy Hex with Phantomwallet on

solana network?

3 ответов

5 просмотров

I never heard of HEX bridged to Solana. Most likely you are looking at a scamcoin.

Slawa- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
I never heard of HEX bridged to Solana. Most likel...

Thanks for reaching out. I mean i have USDT on the phantomwallet(on the solana network) and would like to buy HEX. Said that before probably wrong. Last time someone showed me a site where i was able to do that. but i forgot😭 Sent the usdt to an adress and got HEX sent to my Metamaskwallet. Hope you can help👍

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