Waves. Exchange liquidity pools is an investment product that allows users to receive passive income for investing tokens in the pools that provide liquidity for smoother trading on Waves. Exchange
Yes, I know... I have badly expressed myself. I would like to understand if the pool in question, even if it does not give WX tokens, is still functional.
Are you asking about how to deposit Token to a liquidity pools?
Yes, I know... I have badly expressed myself. I would like to understand if the pool in question, even if it does not give WX tokens, is still functional.
We still have one question that havent answered yet, please help this guys.
Hi, is the ust/usdn pool on waves.exchange currently paying?
For questions about pool, better ask it in waves.exchange support https://t.me/wavesexchange
So, i receive like 1700 $ a day? I deposited 1000K
Of course, but ohw I receive my incomes? :)
Where you deposited your money
pool ust/USDN, waves exchange
In waves exchange wallet
Then your income come to your wallet
In order to receive maximum possible passive income by investing in Liquidity Pools do the following: Select a pool and deposit the proportional amount of 2 tokens, for example WAVES and USDN. You will receive WAVESUSDNLP token in return.
Yes. And I have this LP token in my wallet!
Pools with stablecoins, such as USDT/USDN, optionally support deposits/withdrawals with one (any) token of the pair.
You can Stake the received LP token to get extra profit. Your staking reward in WX token will be accumulated daily. You can claim your WX at any time.
At this time I can't stake my Lp token. WX reward for this pool isn't active...
Doesnt know to stake LP Token? read this article https://docs.waves.exchange/en/waves-exchange/waves-exchange-online-desktop/online-desktop-lp/online-desktop-lp-stake
In that case i suggest you to contact support team of waves.exchange, maybe they have technical problem.
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